The Clarkstown School District’s Code of Conduct (policy 5300) is located on the district’s website: CLICK HERE.
At Little Tor Elementary School, we take pride in our positive behavior, respect and responsibility for self and others. In the 2008-2009 school year, we developed and adopted our own Code of Excellence, which supports a school environment where students can feel safe, comfortable and challenged to reach high academic standards. It is using these key principles that we developed our school and class rules.
During the 2013-14 school year, a committee of teachers, teaching assistants and parents worked together to update the code of conduct following the PBIS framework. It has been and will continue to be implemented since the 2014-2015 school year.
(Click here for the school rules.)
Little Tor Students Promise to be:
- Respectful
- Responsible
- Safe
In addition, the Little Tor Elementary School implemented a Bullying Prevention Program known as Olweus during the 2008-2009 school year, and we will continue building upon this initiative during the school year. This is a preventative program, designed to raise the awareness of bullying, and ensure that adults and children are equipped with the knowledge to address bullying effectively.
(Click here for the Bullying Prevention Rules.)
- We will not bully others.
- We will try to help others who are bullied.
- We will try to include students who are left out.
- If we know that somebody is being bullied, we tell an adult at school and an adult at home.
School discipline affords every student the guidance in making good decisions about his/her behavior and, as such, an opportunity to learn in a positive, nurturing classroom environment. In 2008, Little Tor adopted a new school code of conduct, which lays out expectations and consequences for student behavior in a positive and child-friendly way. Teachers should discuss expectations, positive recognition, and consequences for appropriate and inappropriate behavior. See the updated 2016-17 forms and procedures below:
- Students should be explicitly taught the rules and behavioral expectations at various times throughout the school year. See the behavioral expectations matrix attached below.
- PD (including analysis of the school data on student behavior) will be provided throughout the school year.
Positive reinforcement for students are listed in the "School Wide Acknowledgement System" form below.
Consequences for infraction of rules are also listed below . They do not necessarily need to be addressed in the order they appear. Consequences depend on the severity of the offense and the number of times the rule is broken. If any serious problem occurs, student will be sent immediately to the office. We can also offer counseling as needed. (All consequences with an asterisk * will also accompany communication with parents.)
CONSEQUENCES can include, but are not limited to:
- Warning/reminder or reinforcement of appropriate behavior
- 5-10 minute removal from immediate setting i.e. seat change in cafeteria OR restricted playground access during recess)
- Reflection log or apology note *
- Loss of privilege (can accompany a reflection log) *
- Principal’s office (can accompany a reflection log) *
- Parent conference (can accompany a reflection log) *
- Lunch Detention *
- In-School Suspension*
- Out-of-School Suspension*